Tuesday, August 10, 2010

New Facebook Page

The good news: Police Mental Health now has a Facebook page. I'd like to encourage you - yeah YOU - to share what works and what doesn't work to improve police officers' lot in this world. So don't be a frickin' lurker.

The bad news: At present, the URL for the page is ridiculous: http://www.facebook.com/pages/PoliceMentalHealth/138185609550421?ref=ts

Apparently, if x number of people go to the page and hit "like" I can
abbreviate the web address to something more normal. So, can you
go there and, even if you think it's the dumbest thing you've seen in
awhile, hit "like."


1 comment:

  1. Dear Jeff,
    I posted this on my blog too--maybe some hits will come in from my site to your facebook page!


    Also, you won an award at my blog. you're free to accept the award/conditions if you want, but mostly it's to get you some more traffic . . . I think you're doing the good.

    Please don't abandon blog for Fb! I enjoy your posts!!

    Ann T.
